Usamos cookies para segurança, melhor experiência e personalização de conteúdo de acordo com a nossa Política de Privacidade.
Avansat is an organization committed to protecting your privacy. This commitment reflects our institutional position of respect and appreciation for our customers, suppliers, business partners, visitors and all those who share personal data with us.
The General Data Protection Law (13.709/18), in force in Brazil since September 2020, was created to ensure that your personal data is not used improperly by companies.
Therefore, we reinforce our commitment to:
– not sharing personal data without the owner’s authorization;
– processing personal data only for legitimate purposes, to carry out the company’s activities;
– not disclosing information about accesses made by its stakeholders, unless required to do so by court order or in strict compliance with a legal or contractual rule;
– using technical resources such as cookies to obtain only technical or navigation information through digital channels, seeking to improve its services and adapt them to the needs of its stakeholders. However, cookies can be disabled by the user, through the configuration of their internet browsers;
– protect the data processed.
Avansat processes personal data for the purpose of carrying out the following activities:
Commercial activities with consumers, customers and suppliers: Avansat processes personal data such as name, telephone number, email address, CPF number and address for the purpose of carrying out its commercial activities, such as sales, after-sales (satisfaction surveys), marketing actions, customer service, supplier approval and purchases.
Product and service development: Avansat, in order to create and improve its line of products and services, obtains personal data such as name, telephone number, email address, CPF number and address.
Visits and events: receiving visitors to its facilities and holding events are activities that may be carried out by the company. Data such as name, identity number and CPF number are only necessary for the identification and access control of participants.
Recruitment and Selection: Avansat receives resumes from candidates for vacancies, whether available or not. To do this, it processes personal data such as name, address, telephone number, CPF and education, keeping such resumes stored only during the selection process.
Cookies: these are text files stored in browsers, used to record users’ navigation on our website and facilitate the identification of their preferences. The IP address is the data that is recorded.
Avansat only processes data on children and adolescents for legitimate purposes, related to social projects that may be carried out with the children of employees.
The collection of such data requires parental consent. The data collected are the following, such as: name, date of birth, CPF, ID, gender, parents’ names, address, place of birth and education.
We share personal data with third parties (customers, suppliers, etc.) when the contract, legitimate interest or with the consent of the data subject applies.
In addition, to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation and to meet public and government authorities. In this case, there is no need for consent.
The storage of personal information depends on the purpose for which it was obtained and its nature, especially when related to legal obligations, with retention periods established by law.
In the absence of regulations regarding storage time and respecting the wishes of the holder, Avansat may store data for longer periods, taking into account commercial requirements and contractual obligations to preserve rights and obligations.
Data protection at Avansat is achieved through employee commitment, data governance structure, technology tools and internal controls.
Confirmation of the existence of processing;
access to data;
correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the law;
portability of data to another service or product provider;
deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject;
information on the public and private entities with which the controller shared data;
information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of refusal;
revocation of consent.
For more information on the extent of your rights or to exercise them, you can send a written request to the contact below.
Avansat may modify its Privacy Policy whenever it deems necessary. The updated version will be available at its website.
For more information about the extent of your rights or to exercise them, you can send a written request to the contact below. Contact Contact Avansat through its Data Officer, Mr. Alexandre Costa Barbosa, by email: or telephone (51) 98056 5151. Changes to the Privacy Policy Avansat may modify its Privacy Policy when it deems necessary. The updated version will be available at its electronic address.
© Avansat |
+55 51 98010 6160 | +55 51 4061 2323
Instituto Caldeira de Inovação
Tv. São José, 455
Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil
Usamos cookies para segurança, melhor experiência e personalização de conteúdo de acordo com a nossa Política de Privacidade.