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Special Projects

Personalized service like you’ve never seen before

At Avansat, we offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your operation. Our ecosystem is made up of an in-house technology hub, technology partners, and specialized professionals, ensuring that your demands are met according to your preferences and requirements.

Our Ecosystem

Strictly tested, certified and widely validated solutions.

The Avansat Methodology

Not all video surveillance systems are the same. The Avansat methodology that makes all the difference:



In the Market

Tailor-made customization: We adapt our technologies to meet the specific demands of your operation, guaranteeing personalized and efficient solutions.
Team dedicated to innovation: Our specialized team develops exclusive solutions for your operation, focusing on your specific needs and challenges.
Systems integration: We use open APIs to centralize your platforms and applications, optimizing and saving resources in your operation.
Customized indicator dashboards: We create dashboards that meet the specific needs of your operation, providing a clear and detailed view of your performance indicators.

“Remote escort for your deliveries.”

Talk to our team to learn more and request a commercial proposal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Avansat, with more than 20 years in the market, has the experience and professionals capable of executing special projects. Each client has their own challenges and particularities, and we adapt to what the client needs. We have a technology hub that develops solutions and explores new possibilities in the market, making Avansat a pioneer in vehicle security and technology.